Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Lauderdale Center Studios is a film studio, situated on a 60 acre superfund site in the city of Ft. Lauderdale. The film studio owners and developers sought this land since it provides optimal on-site locations for filming. CUPKOVIC architecture was hired to provide site planning studies for the project, which includes multiple sound stages, an office tower, a commissary open to the public, small lakefront production offices, mills for set piece construction and storage.

People would enter through the grand main gate entry off of MLK Avenue and be directed to enter the studios campus through security checkpoints, or to the public parking adjacent to the office tower and commissary. The office tower is to be a mass timber construction building with balconies and rooftop gardens that overlook the campus and have views of downtown Ft. Lauderdale.

The project is phased, and will include an office park development in the future.

The owner and developer desire the project to be LEED Certified.

Client: FTL Studio Initiative, LLC

  • Office Space: 97,000 SF

  • Commissary: 22,000 SF

  • Studios: 210,000 SF

  • Storage: 40,000 SF

  • Parking: 1,453 Spaces